I haven't heard of a program exactly like what you describe, but certainly it could borrow from permaculture/
intentional community experiences and those creating other work/live opportunities for people with disabilities, like those run by Goodwill Industries or even L'Arche.
One thing that did strike me is that this is not dissimilar to what I think is a remarkable initiative to help recruit new farmers in the US, particularly organic farmers, from among the ranks of veterans. Many veterans return home to discover limited economic opportunities, and having seen combat and suffered life-changing injuries and PTSD as a result, find going "back to normal" almost impossible. Earth is healing, and turning to growing and building from chaos and destruction is healthy and life-affirming, and something that participants really seem to respond to. Here are a couple of links, in case you're interested:
Anyway, I just wanted to share these similar-but-not-a-perfect-match programs with you in the hope that they will be inspirational. Your idea really is a remarkable one, and one I can imagine being very successful. Best of luck!