This may have been on this site... I saw a guy's
video who was building pretty big greenhouses, he used taller than you would really want ceilings and heated the grow beds with air pumped from the top of the
greenhouse through a french drain type system under the beds. His first design overheated them, but the second one got it just right. I think he had to bury his heating system a bit deeper. Really worked out well for him as his
energy costs were
alot lower than having to heat water, although I'd imagine you could use
solar hot water heaters (even home made ones) to do the same type of thing.
Either way, he lived in a place with pretty cold winters and was able to keep everything heated without adding much if any additional energy other than his blowers. Really smart way to do it, I was very impressed. The trick they found was to rig the blowers onto a thermostat rather than a solar switch, with the solar only switch the fans would start blowing first thing in the morning and pump a bunch of cold air into the beds, after he switched to a thermostat controlled switch he was only putting heat in when there was heat to be put in...
Might be worth a bit of thought, wouldn't be too hard to build a solar hot water array, or just use high ceilings and hot air... Either one could be supplemented with propane,
wood or electric energy for those times when it's needed.