Diego de la Vega wrote:
Honestly, I was disappointed when I came to this board and failed to find evidence of financial success.
Maybe permaculture is great on a small scale to help individuals and families to be more independent and to eat better food. Maybe it cannot work on a larger scale. Please prove my impression wrong.
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Diego la Vega]Does anyone here make money? This is a very blunt question, but let me be more specific. Does anyone here make [surl='https://permies.com/t/23262/Azby-Brown' class='api' title='Lessons in living green from traditional japan']enough money on their agriculture (permaculture) sales to support themselves (pay bills, mortgage, clothing, electric, etc).
I know there are designers and consultants making money teaching people permaculture, selling books, etc. However, I have searched this board over and have not really found anyone who said that they themselves made enough income from their homesteading/farming operation to support themselves throughout the year. People mention Sepp Holzer, but no one seems to know how much he makes and his income is clearly supported by his book sales and tour fees.
I have read many of the things that Paul Wheaton has written, watched EVERY youtube video, and listened to some of his podcasts. I agree with him that to make this work you have to make money. Otherwise you become just another failed farmer without a farm.
Action Helps...One Soul with Courage is a Majority. Success is a Journey, not a Destination See the Reaching! A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in Every Opportunity...an Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty! -Whispers of Eden
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:Personally, I think that the American ethic of Individualism is contrary to Permaculture, and that too many who are trying to do Permaculture on their individual/family homesteads are short-sighted and buying into a consumerist cultural value that does not serve them nor their descendants nor the world
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Cortland Satsuma wrote:@Kevin...
So, then...Your answer to Diego's question is "No."?
Please note, as has been repeatedly stated, he did not ask for your opinion or approval of his life's philosophy. I encourage you to read his actual question; if you want to start a thread on your personal feelings or philosophies and their strategies; please do so. There are many views represented on this board. There is no need to take over someones popular thread; just start your own.
Diego de la Vega wrote:Does anyone here make money? This is a very blunt question, but let me be more specific. Does anyone here make enough money on their agriculture (permaculture) sales to support themselves (pay bills, mortgage, clothing, electric, etc).
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Adam Klaus wrote:
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:Personally, I think that the American ethic of Individualism is contrary to Permaculture, and that too many who are trying to do Permaculture on their individual/family homesteads are short-sighted and buying into a consumerist cultural value that does not serve them nor their descendants nor the world
Harsh. And meriting of me repeating one of my favorite sayings, "There seems to be only one person with a shovel, for every ten with a megaphone." Those of us with shovels in hand seem to find that making money from permaculture is very doable. It's sure hard to make money from permaculture when you arent producing anything though.
Permaculture is fundamentally a system of living with the Earth as the foundation for our sustanence. That is another word for agriculture. Grab a shovel folks! There are more teachers than do-ers, tragically. There are more leaders than examples. This has a lot to do with why many question the financial viability of permaculture. Permaculture works well for those who are working. Just like my other favorite quote, "family farms work when the whole family works the farm."
And for future reference, as Cortland suggested, read the whole thread. There has been a lot of good discussion. Participate in the conversation, rather than just grabbing a soapbox and getting started. In the academic world, we build on the research of our predecessors, scholars dont just jump in with our declarations removed of all context. There have been a lot of quality contributions to this discussion that merit consideration.
Of course, if you have something you want to just say on your own, removed of context, by all means, start a thread and go for it. That's great too.
Until then, I'll keep on keeping on, making money and supporting my family through permaculture.
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Adam Klaus wrote:
Kevin EarthSoul wrote: [/b]It's sure hard to make money from permaculture when you arent producing anything though.
Permaculture is fundamentally a system of living with the Earth as the foundation for our sustenance. That is another word for agriculture.
In the academic world, we build on the research of our predecessors, scholars don't just jump in with our declarations removed of all context. There have been a lot of quality contributions to this discussion that merit consideration.
Action Helps...One Soul with Courage is a Majority. Success is a Journey, not a Destination See the Reaching! A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in Every Opportunity...an Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty! -Whispers of Eden
Cortland Satsuma wrote:@Adam...
I agree with you; the coined term of "Permaculture" was slang for permanent agriculture. It is based in the ancient knowledge of polyculture gardens, farms, and keeps. Upon this foundation the rest of the concepts are built. Devoid of agriculture and husbandry; one is not discussing Permaculture. Diego in this thread is looking for input to the permaculture profitability of his parcel of land; not how to be greenish or frugal. There are numerous threads here that cover those topics to death. We appreciate your first hand experience at being a profitable permaculture homestead. Let us hope others share their profitable land use experience!
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Order copies of my book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way at
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struggle - hustle - soul - desire
Adam Klaus wrote:
Hi Kevin, rereading your posts, I just wanted to politely suggest that maybe you come at the forums here with a little bit different tact. Really the forums work best when we share what we do, rather than debate. I think Paul has said that these forums are specifically not a place for debate.
Permauculture for me enables me to operate a more efficient farm, and the efficiency of working with natural systems makes my farm more productive. I always thought Permaculture was short for Permanent Agriculture; that the fundamental thing this is about is farming in harmony with natural systems, in reverence towards the many cultural practices of the past, to create a permanent solution to our needs for nutritional sustanence. It is a beautiful thing.
I would never write off yourself at such a young age as having no ability to grow food. It is pretty easy, really, it just takes knowing a certain skillset.
My wife never thought she had a green thumb, but one day at a time she has learned a million little skills, and is now a seriously accomplished farmer in her own right. Learning works. Working works. The rewards, financial, spiritual, and everywhere in between, that come from growing food are a simply priceless aspect of our human heritage. There are a lot of skilled folks here to learn from. Anybody can learn how to grow food. Give it an honest effort, it is absolutely worth the work!
good luck!
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
Action Helps...One Soul with Courage is a Majority. Success is a Journey, not a Destination See the Reaching! A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in Every Opportunity...an Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty! -Whispers of Eden
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:Thanks for breaking this out, Jennifer. I never imagined that those practicing Permaculture would be unaware that Permaculture goes beyond farming (and building).
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:
Kevin EarthSoul wrote:Thanks for breaking this out, Jennifer. I never imagined that those practicing Permaculture would be unaware that Permaculture goes beyond farming (and building).
To be fair, the original thread was in the farm income forum, which was why the emphasis there was on money from farming.
I've lost count, but I think we now have over a hundred forums, covering much more than just plants and building!
Check out the main forum page with the whole list.
Kevin EarthSoul (real, legal name)
Omaha, NE
I found a beautiful pie. And a tiny ad:
permaculture and gardener gifts (stocking stuffers?)