I have two small ponds right in front of my house. They are hand dug and about 18 inches to 2 feet deep.
I built both of them using regular rubber pond liners with old carpet pieces as an under liner.
Both of these ponds are filled by rain and by the down spouts from the roof of my house.
Both ponds are "naturalized" meaning they have vegetation, frogs, insects that have all shown up on their own.
Also, they both have about 60-80 gold fish that came from about 5 a neighbor gave me a few years ago.
I really enjoy the ponds and they do help moderate temperatures year round.
Also, a side benefit, I have thousands of gallons of
water right at the house for any fire emergencies.
In the future, on a bigger pond, I am planning on experimenting with putting down a layer of carpet, followed by some inexpensive plastic sheeting, then another layer of carpet on top.
The way I see it, the carpet sandwich will protect the plastic from
roots and rocks. I'll be recycling carpet that normally ends up in the dump.
I don't think there would be much left in the way of toxins in the carpet after years of use.
The carpet on top could be covered with mud or a layer of dirt to stimulate a natural environment arising.
Last of all, I do have a large hole I dug in another part of my
yard that has no liner, it functions more as a deep swale more than anything.
It only fills up during seasonal rains. Great place for growing cannas.