Permaculture Design Course
Where: Bullock's
Permaculture Homestead, Orcas Island, WA
When: July 13 - August 2, 2014
Instructors: Doug Bullock, Sam Bullock, John Valenzuela, Dave Boehnlein, & a host of guests
Approximately 144 hours of classroom and hands-on education. Including: design methodologies, observation skill building, whole system design, annual and
perennial foods, water/energy/waste techniques, appropriate construction, plant propagation and culture, outdoor
mushroom cultivation, herbs and fiber use, and animals. Agricultural strategies for drylands, wetlands, and everything in between will be observed, discussed, and implemented at our ever-evolving homestead.
Please note that this course is intensive! If you're looking for a dawn to dusk, information-loaded Design Course, this is the one for you!
For more info or to request a registration packet contact us at
Course Link: