Light & Love
Light & Love
Light & Love
Ricar y Frie Moreno wrote:Simbiosis Costa Rica
Working on the preservation of the Soil, Water, Rain Forest and Marine biodiversity with Cross-Cultural Family Stay program.
Located in the very south of Costa Rica on the Pacific Ocean.
We are a young family & we are open to receive and share with nice people (1-2 persons) who are looking for a crosscultural family exchange.
During your stay you will learn spanish by living it, help us with permaculture gardens, preparing our daily natural food and drinks & snacks.
We will learn together about growing a variety of tropical fruit, wood trees, root vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
We need helping hands to build with natural materials, plant trees, make seedlings, harvest, weed ... etc !
You will stay in the small beach community of Punta Banco @ our beach guest house enjoying the community, beach, nature and surf!
You will learn by "living the spanish" on the work-field and in daily sharing activities with us, and with the community .
We like to involve ourselves in environmental and communal projects .
If you like to surf, we have boards available and we can visit different surf spots nearby in the region of Pavones.
We organize local tours, surf trips to nearby beaches, a Golfo Dulce marine and wildlife Sanctuary experience by boat and hikes to our developing permaculture farm in the mountains.
We offer:
A place to stay, healthy daily food, inter-active spanish, bikes, wifi, tons of good times & some knowledge about this very biologically diverse region in the southern Pacific of Costa Rica !
Feel free to contact us for more information about us or availibility.
Pura Vida
Familia Moreno- Ricar , Frie, Numi and Rey Mar
What did you do today to add joy to the world?
A rocket mass heater heats your home with one tenth the wood of a conventional wood stove