I garden in Kensington, its 6 vacant lots that have been cared for the last 8 years. Currently our team is focused on securing that space permanently. We have a lot of planning do and are always looking for community input! We're celebrating First Friday at our green space THIS Friday Aug 2 with a cocktail hour with herbs from our beds 6-9PM. It'd be great to connect. Oh and our garden is located on the eastside of Frankford Ave. just north of Huntindon Ave. Hit me up either way!
My fiance and I now live in Philadelphia, Kensington area. I am on FB and tsu - you can PM me @ FB - or message me on tsu if you are on there.
We will be building a rocket mass heater as soon as we complete collecting materials.
You are not alone and apparently, neither are we.
Hello to you also, John Link - Rick and I are very close to where you are. Maybe we can all get together at some point - we are still getting settled in Philly. Good to find those of like mind.
The problems of the world fade way as you eat a piece of pie. This tiny ad has never known problems: