Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
Bill Erickson wrote:Howdy Greg and welcome!
Where in Eastern Washington are you guys looking to relocate? There are quite a few members from here that are in that area and, depending on location, not that big a drive to events here in Western Montana.
Greg Boyderman wrote:
Bill Erickson wrote:Howdy Greg and welcome!
Where in Eastern Washington are you guys looking to relocate? There are quite a few members from here that are in that area and, depending on location, not that big a drive to events here in Western Montana.
Hello Bill and thank you!
We are currently looking at Spokane-Spokane Valley area of Washington. My partner teaches high school english so we'd initially like to be close to her school. We only live 6 miles away from the school she teaches at now and enjoy being close by, so if the situation allows us to we would be happy to do that again. BUT I look forward to exploring the rest of the state, Idaho, Canada and Montana too. We are not set on any one place though, we have places we like but need to do some more homework. We are currently trying to get our home sold here and that is proving to be a challenge. But I've got my eye on the horizon and I am excited about attending some of the events hosted by you nice people and look forward getting to meet some of you face to face.
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
B.E. Ward wrote:Hi Greg..
I may be wrong, of course, but I think you'll find rain barrels to be a *feature* if you were to sell your home here in WA, rather than an eyesore.
Have you spent much time in the Spokane area? I'm curious what attracts you there as opposed to, say, western Washington.
Greg Boyderman wrote:
We have visited Spokane 4 times in the last year and a half. My partner has a friend from school who lives their and invited us out to visit. We've only been in the spring and winter as our schedules keep up locked up here during the summers. I had never been anywhere in that region of the US and had longed to see any part of Washington. So we went and really enjoyed it! I know Spokane has a bad rap... #spokanesucks...#spokanistan...etc. But I lived in Tucson for almost 4 years and really enjoyed that (except the heat) and everyone harps on Tucson too. I'm not married to Spokane, I don't think the rest of my family is either. I personally see Spokane as a staging ground. I hope to explore the rest of Washington, Northern Idaho and Oregon too. I'm very green to the the climate and everything else so I think the plan is to observe and explore for a good 2 or 3 years and then settle and buy. I've owned my own home for almost 14 years and owned rental property, I am okay with not being a landlord or property owner for a bit and not having to deal with the joys of 'ownership'... The PNW seems to be a bastion of permaculture, I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn and observe.
I hired a bunch of ninjas. The fridge is empty, but I can't find them to tell them the mission.
2024 Permaculture Adventure Bundle