we have a scrap bucket for pigs. things like whey go into it. so forth it makes up a small part of there diet. I was wondering when i make ghee can all that extra stuff that isnt needed go to the pig without issue?
Yes, of course, if you are making ghee from good edible butter, then the milk solids leftover would be excellent for pigs. I like that stuff on toast, myself
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas SECMOL.org . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Rebecca Norman wrote:Yes, of course, if you are making ghee from good edible butter, then the milk solids leftover would be excellent for pigs. I like that stuff on toast, myself
thank you..
i might try it on toast.. ive never eating it before ...... lol i just kinda look at and im like what do i do with this stuff LMAO