I'm thinking of building a 2nd
greenhouse, this one off of my garage with a door inside the garage out to it..thus..no having to shovel out the
greenhouse in the winter.
the greenhouse I have now I find it difficult to get to when we have several feet of snow, too hard to shovel to..but with a door into the garage that would solve that problem
I have a SE wall of the garageg and I have 2 6' sliding doors double pane and 2 6' w by 5' high double pane sliding windows..so I could build a 6x12 addition to the side of the garage for a greenhouse, there is a 3' overhang eave so it would only have half of it glazed..i'd buy double wall polycarbonate for the roof beyond overhang..and i have a spare all glass storm/screen door to put access into garage..this is a plan..i could fit a 4x8 at least
raised bed inside the greenhouse with a 2' path on 3 side for good access..and set some pots on the paths.