posted 10 years ago
Here's a question for the geekiest of you plant geeks.
I'm curious as to the grafting compatibility of Morus nigra with Broussonetia papyrifera.
We have paper mulberries growing all around my area. It's a "weed" tree that forms thickets and only occasionally produces fruit.
In my plant nursery, I have about four different varieties of black mulberry. I was thinking: could I graft them on to the vigorous paper mulberries growing around town?
They're close cousins, but not both Morus. If anyone has an idea, I'd love to know. I missed grafting season for this year, but next year, if I can't find out, I'm going to have to experiment.
Additionally... has anyone had luck grafting cultivated cherries onto Prunus serotina? I've read they're incompatible... but still... love to try...