We are experimenting with green manure and living mulch this winter and next year.
We have loads of Fat Hen (wild spinach) growing around the farm, which we forage for and eat, so I've harvested some seeds and sown a couple of empty beds with that in the thought that:
1) we can eat it when it grows
2) that it an annual so as long it we don't let it go to seed all is good next season (not too sure how it will winter - we'll see)
3) we can crop and drop and use as a mulch (it also seems to be one of the few things in the garden that the slugs stay away from!)
In two beds we have Mustard, Green in Snow and in another Giant Red, both of which will winter and the same 3 points apply as above with the exception that the slugs will attack it
In another bed we are going to sow white and red clover which we will be cropping and dropping, however with this bed I'm contemplating allowing the clover to continue to grow and plant through it so that it acts as a living mulch which can also be a green manure when it gets too much. My only concern with this is that is will be a good habitat for the slugs so we might have to be careful what we plant in that bed.
I currently looking for other green manure/living mulches we have some vetchs growing around the place once I've identified them I'll harvest the seeds and use that on another bed, same a crop and drop. Another living mulch/green manure that I'm looking at is weed grass (which isn't a grass - not sure which family it belongs to) and pineapple weed.
I'm really kind on growing green manure that can also act as a living mulch so long as it doesn't compete too much much with the veggies.
Oh how I love