I've been trying to reign in my ADD
enough to do a thorough body of research on rocket stoves lately, with the intent of building an experimental version in the next couple of weeks. Next month, I'll have the resources to buy some instructional material (book, DVDs, etc.), but I thought I'd take a shot at building one in the mean time to learn from my mistakes.
I've read several references to cross-sectional area of the burn tunnel versus that of the heat riser. Do I understand correctly that the burn tunnel cross section needs to be no larger than (and preferably smaller than) the cross section of the riser? This makes sense to me, given my understanding of actual rocket engine design (which is at best spotty).
If I'm using a 6" tube for the center of the heat riser, with a cross section of ~28 1/4", then the cross section of the burn tunnel
should be less than that? Or no less than that? Exactly the same?