Dwarf Comfrey (Symphytum grandiflorum): Named varieties / less spready individuals preferred especially "goldsmith" but i would consider any plant of this species.
Black Currants: I'm interested in trying these cultivars:
"Polar" "Lowes Auslese", "Crusader", "Coronet", "Crandall" and "Willoughby"
I have lots to trade, please check my list at
http://davesgarden.com/community/trading/list.php?member=InfiniteOhms or
http://www.gardenweb.com/auth/nph-logincheck.cgi?action=public_profile&user=infiniteohms or email me to ask if i have something you are looking for. Thanks!
PS Other plants I am looking for include: Named Seaberries, Pedicularis canadensis, pedicularis groenlandica, Named Goumi Cultivars, Named Honeyberry (Edible Lonicera spp.), Named Hardy Kiwis.