We raise a few hundred turkeys every year for the farmer's markets around our area. We raise Midget Whites, White Hollands, and Broad Breasted Bronze. They will respect an electronet if it is electrified and they learn from an early age. You want to brood turkeys for about 8 to 12 weeks depending on weather conditions. We have moved away from electronets for our turkeys and fenced in 5+ acre paddocks to rotate them throughout the growing season. We used 4"X4" sheep and goat
fence 48" tall. We shall see if it works. In theory if you provide them with a roost, fresh
water, and plenty of forage/feed they
should stay in that area. I don't expect many will go past it. Turkeys by nature don't like crossing fences.
The biggest problem with the electronet is that the turkeys tend to bum rush the
fence and push it over. They will only do this if they are hungry, out of water, etc..
Good luck!
,Travis Krause
-Parker Creek Ranch
-D'Hanis, Texas