I can pull a permit to process 1000 birds on-farm, but I can only direct
sell, no farmers' markets, no restaurants. I suspect that the mobile processing isn't going to get the highly elusive USDA stamp, but I need to research it. I'm thinking that the way to go is to buy a deer processing business and convert it to a producer-owned co-op for poultry processing, and keep it running 12 months a year. There is now a market chain selling
raw milk (!) that would probably do cartwheels to get a source of local organic year-round chicken.
Pluses: make a few jobs in a rural community within striking distance of the urban markets, get better food in hands of consumers, have a way for more permie-minded folks to add fertility through poultry, make some folks a second income stream. A producers co-op could do joint marketing on all sorts of interesting things. That's how the Organic Valley brand started out.
Minuses: find money, find time. Deal with people who don't want to work, just complain. Finding two or three like-minded folks to start up is the minimum I'd need to get over that last inertial barrier. I had a guy tell me yesterday he didn't want to retail his grass-raised
beef because he'd have to
feed over winter. As in get out of bed every day to do the feeding, not pay for the
hay. Rather sell them to a feed lot. I don't have time to drag people over the hump.