I desperately need help with our slope. Long story--short as possible:
--Bought house with sloped
lawn yard (even the grass hardly grows among
water drainage paths on slope); very poor soil, etc.
--I've been working uphill to get buckthorn treated (left in
roots) and pulled garlic mustard and now have many
natives growing. Have planted small
trees all along and up and down slope (and with that slowly eliminating lawn and created mounded areas and small swales to slow water).
--But have one "hole" right in the middle that seems to grow nothing. Have amended the soil some. Tried various natives by seed which died soon after sprouting and tried native bare roots and they too died. This hole is right where all rain water and snow melt seems to run past from north west and east of us. It also seems to be a wind tunnel that heads south down into woods and blows plants and soil constantly. In addition, I have a herd of
deer that browse and bunnies but am seeing some success at keeping them at bay for a while by using a motion sensors sprinkler. I'd love to make terraces but am the only one working on a .58 acre yard with little money and a four year old in tow.
--Possibly important to note is a circle of cedar mulch where my son plays with logs and finds frogs etc...and the circle is just above the "hole". Could the cedar oil or the nitrogen from mulch / rain runoff be killing the plants I'm trying to grow? Or is it my neighbors pesticides and fertilizers or is it just a bad effect of soil erosion?
--I amended the soil again and am now trying small forsythia plants and a creeping juniper. But afraid that those too will die..
ANY help is appreciated. Any ideas would be helpful.
--Jenny in Minnesota