I look forward to hearing about it! This is something I've played with a little myself (some unintentionally due to rock mulch on my property when we moved in). The sand I just heard of last year and played a tiny bit with it in a waffle garden, but not much else yet.
Just to share what my
experience has been, in case it helps.
I'm living in a desert where for three months out of the growing season, the average temperature is above 95 F. And after my experiences with sand and rock mulch, I started doing a little research into where rock and sand mulch have been traditionally used and discovered that in these cases (like the Colorado Plateau and Gansu province in China, as that article mentioned) the average temperatures are about 10-15 F below this in the hot months.
This difference in temperature has really impacted the areas where I have sand or rock mulch. The reflected heat is increased with the sand/rock. A study in Georgia found that rock mulch can increase the temperature by around 10 degrees (this is my interpretation, anyway. They simply said what it increased the temperature TO, and I looked up area specific weather to estimate). I can hunt it down if your interested, although it was a little bit of a thing. During the cooler months, the water retention was enough that the increased reflected heat wasn't an issue. But when the higher temperatures hit, the reflected heat was brutal in some areas.
Native plants usually did all right, but any garden plants fried up into nothing, no matter the water.
The successes I had with the rock mulch/sand have occurred in areas where I have shade, and in these places there was no issue with the reflected heat, obviously, and growth in these areas was good.
I didn't know what the conditions are for your desert, or how high the highs were, but again, just offering this in case it might be helpful to know for your own endeavors.
I'm thinking of trying a technique that's believed to be an old Anasazi version of rock mulch, of a sorts. I just happened to be present at Bandelier National Monument when one of the botanists there was experimenting to see if she could get it to work. They got large (5 inches across or more), flat river rocks and then placed them all around the seedlings after they came up. She was very happy with the results. I'm thinking this might be something to try where I am, which could be easily removed if they turn out to reflect too much heat as the temperatures climb.