i do see what you mean about the leaves, wayne.
i chalked it up to the difference that occurs within different locales, i have found that a tricky part when trying to ID from photos...quite often there are subtle and not so subtle difference in color, shape and other differences based on regional factors (more or less
water, nutrients, hybridization, etc).
i have found theres a lot of variation in photographs
online, perhaps some of it is mis identification, some of it is from hybridized
local varieties, some of it is from different growing conditions, it makes surfing plant images and making positive ID more difficult. also a lot of plants look different depending on their age, this is especially true with
trees, also shrubs and other perennials.
IMO this plant pictured in the OP seems very young, and so the leaves are still a bit curled and very vibrant. i am not familiar with wild sarsaparillia, or with bristly sarsaparillia , never seen them up close, but it does still seem very similar in many ways to the local aralia, especially the berry. that last picture of "bristly sarsaparilla" does have similar leaves.