Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Jake, we have a thread for that! Actually, many threads for that.
There is a buffet to choose from.
post a lot in the forums, and make them media-rich posts (loads of pictures and videos) - more in how workssimple tasks anyone can do any timefeed the empirehow to share permies with your friends on social mediabuilding links between permies and appropediasign up for the daily-ish email, encourage your friends (including social media "friends") and family to sign up, toowatch the tinkering with this site forum for more ideas - click the watch forum button at the bottom of the page
By the way, some times a google search works the best to find things on permies. The kind of search that is typed in like this:
site help permies
Where the word "site" prefaces the URL, followed by a colon ( : ) followed by the word or words you'd like to search for. Did that make sense?
Alright ! Awesome ! I will make my way to the other threads and figure out how I can support !
I just want to point out I have only listened to a few of Paul's podcasts; he is a very smart man ! He doesn't speak nonsense like "Capitalism is bad" and so forth, he (and you) truly questions things, brings forth very interesting and important topics and is not afraid to express (very rational) arguments. I have shared a few things Paul has said, about
local food not necessarily being better for the environment and so on, and its amazing how many people have emotional "arguments" and refuse to process and/or respond to the content....
In any case, my deepest gratitude for what you do.
I actually won't be finishing high school ; the plan is to fly to BC and work on a
permaculture farm !
No more time to waste before I start really enjoying and living my life the way I want to live it. So many experiences and things to learn ahead of me... Why waste time getting (to some degree) indoctrinated when I could be enjoying my life, learning and being truly one step closer to achieving my dream / goal of being a forest farmer /
permie !
Healthy regards !
Thanks for the response !