Jeff Hodgins wrote:Hi My Name Is Jeff I am In my fourth year of astablishing food forest in Puebla Mexico and I am also starting a forest in Yucatan (near cancun). If anyone is interested in paying us a visit we have some extra rooms(3) and plenty of knowledge to share. All are welcome FREE of charge. My wife and I will feed you and teach you in exchange for a helping hand around the place. You can stay as long as you like. (if you pull your own weight). Feel free to Call 1 905 682 9594 or 011-52-248-482-7442
!!WE EAT MEAT!! and you can too. No Excesive Drinking, No Smoking, No Freaking Out.
Families are welcome.
PS. if anyone needs rare seeds I have many species for sale.
Jungle Girl wrote:I have a small eco-lodge and organic farm and ranch in a very safe area of Mexico. We would love some short or long term help from focused individuals -- in exchange for lodging and food in paradise. If you have experience in hospitality industry, permaculture or farming, course development and-or alternative building, your skills would be so appreciated. Our neighbors are mostly indigenous farmers and we are interested in both teaching and learning permaculture principles, depending on your level of knowledge.