What are you tincturing? You only need 95% alcohol if you are making tinctures from fresh plant material, because you actually do want some water content in the final product. Most herbs release their constituents into water and alcohol (some parts into the H2O, some into the alcohol). You are aiming for a final percentage that is around 50%, or even less, as long as the final percentage of alcohol is above 35% (I believe, don't quote me on that one!). If using dry herbs, everclear is overkill, although I find it cost effective to start with everclear and cut it with water as needed.
Michael Moore's
Materia Medica is a great reference for determining how alcoholic you want your tinctures to be - the percentages are final alcohol content, which will be determined by the amount of water in your plant material.
Also, while you can't purchase it in-state, you may be able to buy it
online and have it shipped to you. Check your
local laws...