Rod Bumstead :Go for it ! Generally- this would be considered an advanced build, and most members here would tell you to try a more conventional build.
It takes a good tin knocker to make a square shape that is close to watertight! a good grade of RTV Silicone seal will take care of any less than perfect
jointery !
I would worry a little that there might be a greater chance of 'stratification of the air fuel mix and not
enough turbulence to make a clean high temp burn in
the corners
As the hot exhaust gases hit the underside of the top of your Square Barrel they start radiating off their heat ! As they do so they cool, becoming more
dense, and sink down the barrel to the Transitional area where they turn at right angles to enter the horizontal piping try the Thermal Mass, right there at
the transitional area the outlet
should be at least 2 Xs the size of your burn tunnel, (6.75 ) all outer areas should be the same to keep the same Constant
Cross Sectional Areas. (C.C.S.A.s ) When in doubt, check ''The Book'' and feel free to come back here to double Check ! For the Good of the Crafts !
Big AL