"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
magicdave wrote:
Cows milk colostrum is good for you, so is Goats milk colostrum. It is my opinion that the "allergies" are more likely the result of the industrialization of the food chain than any other reason. I grew up in a family of medical professionals and all of the "old timers" agreed that milk intolerance was unheard of before pasteurization became law.
I grew up drinking raw cows milk. My Dad's best friend lived on his father in law's dairy farm and back in those days it was pasture in season and hay all winter and never any silage. I am healthier for it. There are many "chronic" diseases that are a direct result of industrialized farming. I did a research paper in 1973 tracing the dramatic rise in all forms of cardio-vascular disease that is directly related to the change from tropical oils to temperate oils. The general population is being poisoned all throughout the food chain. I guess that means it is up to us to fix it.
dolmen wrote:
I'm with you on this ... I've proven it numerous times with clients .... we have to get back to nature, as we don't know better than her...
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
I completely agree Sue. Mentioning Raw Milk to many people is a good way to start a "debate" though. Most people don't know that Louis Pasteur developed his "sterilization techniques to preserve wine not dairy products. The laws that govern dairy pasteurization came about back in the days of the neighborhood breweries that were all over the country in cities. CAFO type dairies opened in close proximity to those breweries and fed their cows the cooked mash that was essentially free from the breweries. They were disgusting, filthy places just like they are today and many people were sickened and died from tainted milk. The milk was blamed instead of the disgustingly filthy environment where the cows were kept and the unsanitary conditions of the dairy. I have been an advocate for raw milk for decades. I drank gallons of it growing up in dairy country and it never hurt me or any of my friends.Susan Monroe wrote:
Thank you for all the good information!
I was curious, as I had my very first taste of raw (cow) milk a couple of weeks ago. I only buy store milk for cooking because I am lactose-intolerant. Reading AcresUSA, one article mentioned that raw milk was used as an aid with stomach problems.
I drank a quart of the raw milk in two days. WHAT A SHOCK! No stomach cramps, no gas, no diarrhea or ANYTHING!
So, at least for me, it's not the MILK that causes the problems, so it must be the PASTURIZATION!
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Alison Freeth-Thomas wrote:
Wow what REALLY interesting info. My sister has just been diagnosed as lactose intolerant so I'll pass all this info on to her.
Oh and hello, I'm new here.
We live in France and are considering gettings some goats but I have a question. Are goats like humans in that stimulation produces milk and will continue to do so even if they haven't had a kid recently? Or are they 'seasonal' and have to have had a kid recently to give milk? The thought of having to separate the mums from the babies in order to get the milk is a sad one for me (I am currently a breastfeeding mum with baby number 3)
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
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the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)