Any other females going bra free out there 90+% of the time?
Over fifty years ago I decided I'd rather be emotionally uncomfortable than physically uncomfortable and stopped wearing bras.
Since I was a droopy 38 DD (and am now an even droopier 38 G or H), that meant that my silhouette was extremely unusual, and most clothes didn't fit. This was before spandex, when teeshirts were still undergarments, when women's tops and dresses always had darts or seams, and my breasts just didn't go where they were supposed to in the clothes.
So I had to wear clothes that looked unusual. Women's fashion was much more uniform in those days, and you either looked mainstream or were a kook.
I am not sure that the social anxiety ever goes away
It has largely gone away for me, but five decades is a long time. I have just begun to wear teeshirts in the last few years - I always wore fairly stiff cotton to sort of mask my shape. I just found out I like sweaters with nothing under them, and I'm not yet ready to go out of the house in one, though I want to. I still only wear overshirts, not something tucked into a waistband or with a belt.
Nowadays I am seeing other women without bras occasionally, which is heartening. And in fact looking good and comfortable in various shapes that one would never have seen in my day, so that helps too.
Women have not been very critical, except when they are family and want me to look proper and not embarrass them.
Men have teased me.
I might like underwires if they didn't stab me in the armpit. Yes, I've had fittings in fancy underwear stores, and that didn't help. I have tried remodeling bras to very little avail. The sports bras with the racerbacks tend to be the best, but they don't make them in real sizes. By the time I had my kids I had already gone without a bra for years, so I never tried a nursing or maternity bra.
I would like some kind of bra so that I can sometimes dress up and have the underbust seam go under my bust rather than above it, or fit into a fancy dress so my shape is similar to its shape.
I would like to occasionally wear some kind of bra when my breasts are tender and don't want to bounce around.
And especially I would like something that would keep my breasts off my chest in the hot weather. I'm afraid to try cornstarch, as I fear it would give me a yeast infection. Maybe that's why the cinnamon? But really, I'd rather pick them up and get some air under there.