Unfortunately I recently moved from the property in which this garden system was constructed so, I may have nothing else to show/document in the future. I did however manage to get my harvest and save seeds before I left.
It was an amazing
experience and I was totally won over by the
hugelkultur reality! It's an impressive system if you take the time & are disciplined to properly construct it.
Also, when ever a weed or plant expired, it was always returned directly back to the garden, either under the mulch or in the central
compost bin, ripped up by hand. The idea was to always be building & supporting the soil - giving back some of the nutrients in which the plants took. Return of surplus. I always took the time to sow/maintain/harvest with bare hands(never used tools) except in the initial composting stages & after the winter's ice.
What I failed to mention before and I think also added to the success was the intentions I directed towards the plants. I would often walk around the garden several times playing my acoustic guitar with the intent of stimulating the stomas of the plant foliage.
Maybe it was just me but, I swear, it seemed when I played, the birds always seemed to perk up & join in the music. When I was aware of them, I actually changed my playing in attempt to accommodate their timing. When the sun came out in full effect from behind a cloud, I changed the mood of the music to reflect the reality of that moment. It was really fun letting nature lead and actively participating with it dynamically. I can only imagine that this was an added benefit to the whole.
Time permitting, I'll likely reconstruct a similar system again.