Jay Angler wrote:
Donna Lynn wrote: But with turkeys and chickens who are not easy to catch during daylight; and dogs and new cats who don't all get along well together yet, we really don't have a good current plan to evacuate all of us quickly and safely.
I have read that animals are incredibly good at getting to safety if you let them free to do so. You might not get them back after, but at least they'd have a fighting chance if there is an unexpected immediate evacuation order.
My Muscovy ducks only get access to chicken feed at bedtime. Food is a great motivator for them. It wouldn't be exactly easy to corral them at an unexpected time, but if you can find something the chickens and turkeys consider a "treat" and mostly save it for emergencies, that would qualify as "preparedness"! You still would require sufficient portable infrastructure to actually evacuate them. We have a lot of dog crates we've mostly been given, but I still don't think there's enough of them to seriously evacuate all our animals. This is certainly something we need to ponder.
Yes, we would free them if we could not take them with us. They are used to foraging and enjoy it. But I would worry that they would try to come back to their roosts at night. Obviously not if there was a fire or a flood, but with a chemical spill they might not realize the danger until it was too late, like the many dead animals that have been reported in the woods around East Palestine, Ohio.
I do give our
chickens and turkeys fresh blueberries once in awhile, and that is unanimously their favorite treat. They follow me around to get them, and just yesterday one pullet darted around me to cut me off and tried to herd me back to the layers' area as I walked away toward the turkeys'
yard to give them the rest of the berries XD. However I'm not sure I could get them to go into our large dog crate and stay there while the rest meandered in. I'd have to have a really big bowl of blueberries! Maybe I
should see how they like them frozen. And like you, we don't have enough containment for all the critters. I could put our breeding pair of turkeys in the dog crate, but the chickens would need something much larger. Perhaps our smaller coop (a rickety Rural King kit we bought years ago for our first chicks) could fit inside our small open trailer, but even tied down, its safety at highway speeds would be questionable. Plus it would be difficult for us to lift it into the trailer and would take precious time to disassemble and reassemble. They could all fit inside it, but would not be comfortable like they are now. In an emergency we might try it though. The
tractor bucket could be fitted with straps to lift it, although it is made of such flimsy
wood pieces that it could break apart under its own weight if not supported just right. I could reinforce it with 2x4s, but that would add weight. The right way to do it would be an actual evacuation drill, but that just sounds like a lot of work, LOL! Maybe in the spring, after the new pullets are fully integrated with the other layers in the larger coop, we can play around with the little coop, see how hard it is to lift by hand, try lifting it with straps, etc. If I really get ambitious, I could design a new small coop that is sturdier AND can easily be partially disassembled to allow us to quickly reassemble it inside the trailer on short notice. I could size it to fit perfectly and have windbreak panels all ready to latch into place. (Now I'm going to be dreaming about designs for that...)