Dave Bennett wrote:
Nice slide playing. Have you listened to Derek Trucks? I never was much into playing slide so I suck at it.
My playing is what I laughingly refer to as "eclectic improvisation." I played professionally until I was 36 or 37. Can't remember exactly because I did not abruptly quit but I did want to have children and a touring musician cannot "be there" as a parent so I gave it up.
I am not sure about your friends that were still renting but can understand how easily money slips away when you are a rock'n'roll performer.
Along the way I learned enough trade skills to always keep a roof over my head and got to farm too so to quote from the Grateful Dead's biographical song..... what a long strange trip it's been.
Len wrote:
Took a look... the first one I hit happened to be from early 90s.. good considering age but pretty mechanical... seems to have matured a whole lot since though.
I've done the weekend thing pretty much my whole life... mostly filling in drums/bass/guitar whatever no one else was playing. I'm doing bass mostly these days, but have just acquired a mandolin and classical guitar. So I have been playing them at home more. My wife sings and plays at the hospital for the older people, so I help her practice sometimes... all the songs I called "channel changers" when I was young (and they were on the radio). I don't sing well... about halfway through song two in a row my throat seems to choke up.
Well life has been a strange enough trip (ask my wife), but I made the choice as an 18 year old. Got into audio electronics... probably hoping to work in a studio or something, but studios were not paying that much because there were a lot guys looking for a days job like that. I ended up in radio then TV then as a tech at the post office. There were lots of players and I wasn't bad, but not exceptional either. Looking at things from this end, I am not sure I made the right choice. I am still happiest on stage (maybe I don't like crowds... don't mind looking at them though). Anyway, at this point in life, I may as well finish my last few years (4) to get the pension. Then I can look at music again with more energy and time.... if I'm not building stoves and boats and farming or whatever. I think "interesting times" is not quite the curse I've heard... change is good and tomorrow is "God willing".
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Dave Bennett wrote:
We all played musical instruments of some type and we all sang too.
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Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
Side-stepping the conversations about guitarists (though I second the Rodrigo y Gabriela thumbs up) and making your own music, here's a Finnish street band performing Bohemian Rhapsody in a rusty old VW.
Too. much. fun.
Cool Jocelyn. My new favorite version of this tune.Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
Side-stepping the conversations about guitarists (though I second the Rodrigo y Gabriela thumbs up) and making your own music, here's a Finnish street band performing Bohemian Rhapsody in a rusty old VW.
Too. much. fun.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
I knew Bobby "back in the day" when he was a bar band act playing the some of the same clubs we played. Believe it or not, traveling in vehicles other than a tour bus many of us made a fairly good living. I never got famous but have no regrets. I still love being on stage entertaining people. It gets in your blood and becomes a permanent part of you.Dale Hodgins wrote:
I am quite fond of the sound of my own voice as are the ladies whenever I go to a jam night.I got a list.
Bob Seeger – Turn the page, I like this one because it's about his 15 years of relative obscurity before he made it. Seeger went from entertaining 50 people in a Chicago bar one night to playing for 78,000 in Detroit that weekend, when the live bullet album broke. Seeger never had a tour bus. They went from battered station wagons to Jets in one weekend and their fame continues. Like a rock – I love the lyrics and the theme. Seeger was an athlete in his younger years and this song is a reminiscence of lost youth. Main Street – is about and Street in Ann Arbor Michigan, his hometown. We've got tonight – if Bob didn't get any action from singing that one I'd be very surprised.
Rolling Stones – I'm a huge fan of their better work. – Although not numerous I love their political songs – Indian girl – is about the fate of one child whose family has been torn apart during the Sandinista conflict in Nicaragua." All the children were dead, except for one girl who said, please Mr. gringo... "I just saw this today, it was a sight I must say, They're shooting down planes with M-16s and laughter." Mick actually witnessed this and was amazed at the resilience of poor people hiding in the jungle who managed to use weapons that were sold to their government during the Iran-Contra affair to bring down many American supplied planes.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
I am from upstate NY. We used to play around the college towns in Michigan once a year. The Beck Street was the name of our band. I know this part will sound funny but we were the originals Back Street Boys. We lived on a street called that the residents called Back Street that was technically East Main St. Everybody called us the Back Street Boys or those damn hippies. hahahahahaha That was early 70's. In the late 70's we had migrated out to California and the name had changed to Magic Dave & Blues Deluxe. Much of those days are a big blur of literally thousands of gigs with a few memorable performances here and there. We concentrated on college gigs but early on it was all 5 nights a weeks in a smokey bar somewhere in the US. Never played in Canada but hung out in Toronto whenever I had the chance. 'spent a few years in the Buffalo NY area before traveling out west so we used to drive over to Windsor to get to Detroit when we played Michigan then Ohio and then western Pa. and back to the Buffalo area. About 200 shows a year, sometimes more. Living in Southern California changed things a lot and I performed less because I went to work in the motion picture industry doing my other love. I worked as a location caterer. I am a chef so when I discovered that I could prepare food and get paid a ridiculous amount of money doing what I consider fun I only performed about 10 weeks a year for a few years. After leaving LA I played more because my day jobs weren't so long. One thing I will say about those days catering for TV and movies was 4AM-10PM makes for a long work day. Nothing on youtube although I have been thinking about doing a few tunes. They will be solo though. Just me sitting here playing and singing along looped with myself unless my new "jamming" buddy is interested. He is the brewer where I work part time. He is a Bass player and I am trying to convince him that we don't need any other musicians to put on a professional show. I have a drum machine. Ideally I would love a keyboard and drummer to have a nice rounded sound and 4 part harmony vocals but a duet can work nicely too. More musicians makes for longer rehearsals LOL.Dale Hodgins wrote:
Are you from Detroit or Ann Arbor? I'm from southern Ontario. Seeger had a pretty strong following there when I was a kid. What was the name of your band and have you posted anything on YouTube? Every time I think of some old song I want to see, I try youtube.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
When I was younger and single that was probably true but I have been alone for most of my adult life.Dale Hodgins wrote:
The man can sing and cook. I suspect this is a winning formula with the ladies.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Dave Bennett wrote:
When I was younger and single that was probably true but I have been alone for most of my adult life.
Ladies? One woman willing to put up with this eclectic eccentric would make life much more interesting.
Len wrote:
Two would bump the meaning of "interesting" into the old Chinese proverb curse area...
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
charles johnson "carbonout" wrote:
heres mine
Blind Melon - Tones Of Home
Mine is probabaly "no surprises" by radio head, it's so beautiful. Or "Leave" by R.E.M.
nothing personal - only natural
nothing personal - only natural
1. my projects
My Marxist Feminist Dialectic Brings All The Boys To The Yard!
Dave Bennett wrote:Here is one from another one of my all time favorite guitarists. May you rest in peace my friend.
My Marxist Feminist Dialectic Brings All The Boys To The Yard!
Wes Sharp
Booze Enthusiast
Chadwick Holmes wrote:Ok, because I seem to be the only punk rocker in the permie space.....
nothing personal - only natural
Let Nature work for you.
branimir marold wrote:
Chadwick Holmes wrote:Ok, because I seem to be the only punk rocker in the permie space.....
no way man ... no one is alone![]()
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― Jay Kristoff, Nevernight
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—Winnie the Pooh
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