crunchy bread, the best laid plans of mice and men are much better laid than that those of people who have a "do la lee", attitude to things. Havent a clue how "do la lee" is spelt. We could all lie on top of our russian stoves as the boys in russian fairy tales do, adolescents being a sleepy epoch, and sleep, the thing about doing things is that we can't get it right all the time. I know of those who call any activity, t6ha tis not just servign others vanity or pride and they frighten others and themselves into doing nothing at all for fear of these criticisms.
If your plans aren't coming out, do you have enemies?
Paul Stamets says that their are corporate interests that try to stop any decent treatment of the land, A begining to be long life makes me totally back up any statement about those who dedicate their time and skillfully to stopi8ing others makes me totally back up such a paranoid statement, this is right adult mainly male corporations spend a lot of time in merely mischeivouse actrivities and blackening others is very mischeivouse, in such activities as were supposedly such as village gossips were involved in not important persons and corporations.
Trying to stop things usually involves blackening those who have a different opinion from you, if you do anything and that anything might be good for others the those who interests you oppose may say that you dont really care about people, your enterprise is egotistical, you are only are only looking for fame, for example. I know all the inults for any type of enterpriseing activity, my father is a catholic. The undermining remarks also include such things as calling those who have other ideas from them, names like hippies, beign called hippy is not always bad it depend who calls you hippy. So if the farming entrpreneur talks of humus or mulch, this talk will be arttacked as a bit of airy fairy irreality. Being called a person given to airey fairey irrealities is another insult and a way o9f making others lack respect for you.
For the detractoprs of the organic or
permaculture you should put chemical nitrogen on the soil not organic materia, because organic material is airey fairey or less practical. Chemical nutrients are fine for feeding the plants, though they reduce airey fairey things like the positve fungal growth on the land and they contaminate water sources and cleaning the which up is one of the things that can be called invisible cost of farming as it does not hit the farmer who dirties the rivers. Chemical fertilisers feed plants but they dont make the land absorb and retain more water, so you end up having to irrigate the land. There is nothing airey fairy about trying to stop the land from needing more irrigation than the smallest possible minimum, unless you live in a country with an endless water supply. Also chemicals cost the farmer a arm and a leg.
If your best laid plans are coming to gley, then it is possible they don't suit some important institution, one way of putting a brake on you is to suggest your plans have come to nothing, it is discouraging, you have to be psychologically strong to count up your victories instead of your failures when you are told that what you do comes to nothing, i am easily made to reflect on how useless i am, though i have moments of self congratulation, and crowing over myself, these moment dont stand up well to pressure. We learn about this sort of psychology from the comments on
games and sports people. It is my education, always being told to keep a cheque on myself, though i was and am fairly noisey but not really strong, that made me have little staying power, i have the staying power i have here because of encouragement and a whip lash from outside not because it is my nature, such as my nature was after the education of a ambitiiouse type mother, they try to get you to learn a lot but are inclined to be so critical you end up without much confidnce to use what you learn, and a catholic father as i say they are always suggesting hta tall actions are vanity or egotistical and such and that does not encourage you to be active.
If you fail at an entreprise maybe you are doing something, a, or some, big corporate influences does not like, then it will need a lot of patients to carry them through, you will have to work against the pravailing current and oppostion. If humans are co-oporative and loving they are also the very devil for doing for each others plans and that I have learnt this from long years of adult life. The young are often taught to trust, it is usefull to have trusting people around. I also learnt it from an excess of trying to believe others good, not from an excess of playing others into the ground. If you are being too innocent you get done and learn in the end.
People do things like, when you try to put your money were your mouth goes, as i have tried to do this spring, planting
apple trees in my garden, and two apricots in order to be
permaculture, so as not to just theorise about it, the great variety of
apple trees you can buy in england would i imagine give me a business advantage over the spanish in my locality which i might be able to cash in on. The altitude of the land were my garden is means i can grow apples in this hot climate, well this effort to put into practice what i theorise about, gets friends calling me extravagant, at fifteen pounds a tree it is hardly wildly extravagant, about cheap teeshirt price. Unless you are strong such reducing remarks cut back your business activities.
I read a self help book on starting a business and the main advice it gave was that people will try to stop you starting one, to whittle away the money you might spend on the business, the family for example will start to want it for something else, also people around you will say you will never manage it, both experts and the ignorant will say you don't have what it takes. The whole book was about how hard everyone would make it for you, the only other thing it said was that if you push through all this oposition and make a success of it, then everyone will all want to get on the band waggon.
I have freinds who cant bare me spending anything, they have more money than me and if they see i have enough to lash out the smallest amount they start to get at me, my friends are more like enemies than friends.
Humans are the most dastardly lot and also maybe bring the greatest pleasures but remember that they are dastardly because you hear so often that human nature is not animal and such, which means, are fairly angelic, that it is easy to forget that they are a flaming nuiscance and so to whatch out for your self. This may be the sort of advice you need to give to some people and not to others. Who needs it may depnd on who has educated them, some groups of people those who are educated to make sure no one gets the better of them these are normally the tough ones need to be taught that people can
be nice and that a fair amount of them are not going to cut their throats and others, people who are taught to do their bit, may need to remember that people can be cut throat. agri rose macaskie.