December, lots of snow, lots of shoveling.
I was wondering about how the chickens would do after the first storm.
Everybody I spoke with were skeptical because the coop was not heated.
Turns out they did great.
But they don't like snow. They always kept to the path.
From time to time I find these laying around on the snow after strong winds.
I don't know what they are but they survive the cold.
I was concerned about fresh
water for the chickens. A pail of warm water will stay
liquid for a surprising amount of time even down to -25C. The chicken learned to
peck through the ice that forms on top. The bigger problem was me keeping up with
the shoveling. One day the
tractor broke down and I had to walk a kilometer twice a
day to get them water. Just before and after work. That was real hard.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes again
In May 2018 I had to quit my cosy job. The new one I got is full of stress and requires an insane
amount of my time. One summer week I worked 95 hours. This is a problem around here our
job market is pretty shitty. Minimum wage part time or
sell your soul, your choice.
I lost the chickens to predators and my garden to weeds. The sudden jolt brought depression
and hopelessness. I was expecting this but it is still a difficult period. I now live with "the others"
who know what is going on but are not conscious enough to be touched by this knowledge.
On the bright side I'll be debt free soon maybe then I'll be able to survive with a part time job
and get back to doing real work.
2018 can be summarized in a couple of lines. The perennials are holding on against the forest.
The tomatoes self-seeded and gave me fruits. I also harvested greens, squash and paprika
despite complete neglect. The most memorable event of 2018 was discovering monarch
caterpillars munching on my orange butterfly weeds. I've never seen them around before, ever.
Time to end this thread. Thank you for all the comments, apples and likes :)