Hi folks,
My first post to these forums. My heart goes out to those suffering health problems. Many years ago, (2 years after my wife and I were married) my wife was diagnosed with Crones disease. Back then, I was one of the masses who simply trusted that ‘doctors must know best.’
I simply had no idea how wrong that notion was.. and how could I? The average person will NOT run into the right information using ‘lamestream’ channels of information.
25-27 years later looking backward? I have left few rocks unturned, perhaps fewer rabbit holes unexplored. The more I dug the more I found... and what it all revealed? While we were sleeping on, the world changed.
We can discuss cause and effect for days... but I promise you. That every human problem is our own making, and you show me a problem that does not stem from a decline in human values.
Aside from ‘How’ we got here. Here we are. And what we are going to do about something, must consider how we got here if we are ever going to turn things around. This is why I love the ‘Perma-culture’ outlook.
Back to Crones as a point in specifics; My wife and I back then, did what we were told, she took the drugs and we trusted. For 2 years they ‘treated’ the Crones disease in what was an attempt to make the symptoms tolerable. They failed... miserably, and she began wasting away, unable to hold anything down. We were in and out of the hospital. I had to shut down my business I was in the hospital so much with her and she almost died a few times. It all culminated one morning I awoke and found her gone from the bedroom. I got up and went downstairs and found her on the kitchen floor writhing in pain. I went to her and she was in so much pain she flinched away. She as crying... not a cry because your sad or upset over something. A cry that resonated your entire soul, she begged to die.. I do not have to tell you how helpless I felt. I would have fought 20 men if that is what it took, and I tell you I would willed my way to come out on top. I would have traded places in an instant.... what I could NOT do is help her. I noticed she could not bend her arms or legs. I called Mass General in Boston MA. (Where she had been going for ‘treatment.’) They told to stop giving her the medication. That moment, was the beginning of a what would be a growing awareness.
I have always been a person that wants to know the Truth of any matter and if it is inconvenient so be it. They told me her muscles had become toxic and the body was shunting the medication (TOXINS) into the joint spaces. (Because there is space to shove them). Thus her inability to bend her joints. (Remember this point because it is revealing).
We rushed her to Boston and they did an emergency resection. Removing the most inflamed part of her intenstine. When the day came to take her home we felt some relief, thinking finally this was behind us. However, we were wrong again. The physician called out to us as we pushed the double doors open to leave. He said matter of factly; “ If your going to have kids have them now.”
I froze, turned and said; “ Why did you say that? You just did surgery diid’nt you fix the problem?” The Doctor replied; “no, we just cut out the worst area, if your planning on children you better have them now before it comes back. She does not want to be pregnant when it returns.”
Needless to say, we were stunned...
I had, had
enough. The most common answer to my questions had been ‘we dont know.’ If you dont know anything then why am I going to you for answers?! I left there went to the head of the Crones foundation (Unannounced) and demanded to know the causation. The President at first acted sheepish, like it was some sort of joke. I was not laughing... but stared at him very intently. He then replied, ok. Well, its the body reacting to something it thinks is there but we can not detect. So, again; ‘we don’t know.’ I asked him and you believe that? I turned and left the office realizing that if we were going to beat this the responsiblity was ours.
I have never looked back, I have never stopped digging.
For those that do not have the time, I am going to give you the results of my research. My wife, has been Crones FREE. With NO symptoms and NO reoccurrence. We have 4 beautiful and healthy children. We are not concerned with the classification of disease by the name of Crones. We give it NO thought.
The answer to this problem is as much about perspective as it is awareness.
Do not underestimate the approach.
The proverb says; ‘The shrewed one, sees the calamity and conceals himself while the inexperienced continue along and suffer the consequences.
Another: ‘Knowledge is for a protection the same as money, but the advantage of knowledge is it can preserve alive its owner.
Another: ‘The happy heart is the life of the fleshly organism.
I could go on. But do not underestimate the wisdom in those texts. For they give you the ability to begin viewing the world we live in the right way.
The body: The body exists in perfect health... in perfect balance. Get the sense of that statement. We use the term in EMS stasis. Balance. But we dont really see this for how important it really is.
The bodies balance is the key here. Your focus is to restore balance. Consider, you purchase a car... you drive it for months and then realize what the VSA button is Or other feature. Some dont know how to change a tire. Understand why its important to rotate tires periodically. That the engine must remain in ‘tune.’
We are often even worse when it comes to knowing our own bodies.
The criteria to eat is basically this; ‘It LOOK GOOD ME EAT’, IT TASTE GOOD, ME EAT MORE’. Not allot of thought there.
Add to this the place we find ourselves today; Food has become ‘designer food’ a comodity so shelf stable, so contaminated with chemicals, coloring, food additives, that it is not fair to call it food. It is less correct to think it can support balance or any resemblance of health.
You have heard the expression; ‘You are what you eat’. This is one of those profound statements that has a barge of wisdom behind it. Most do not take the time to truly get the point. Sacrates said; “ Put on a table what a man eats and I will pick him out of the crowd.’
So, Crones Disease like all the ‘diseases’ are human classifications of symptoms. Motive? To perpetually ‘TREAT’ a persons symptoms whilst making a handsome
profit doing it. Never curing, no. That does not make business sense.
All illness (outside trauma) can be traced to toxemia. Even genetic birth defects are often the cause of infant exposure to neuro toxins via the placenta (which at one time was thought to filter out toxins, they know now that is far from the truth).
My efforts thus far have been to attempt to get you too see where you are in all this. You must understand that what you lack is balance.
The body exists in perfect health in perfect balance.
You MUST identify ALL toxins that are NOT naturally bio available to humans and avoid them! That means, you must get very familiar with what true food is. Whole Foods, uncontaminated. Organic fruits and vegetables? Absolutely, if that is all you have access too! Wait, what do I mean by that?
EVER PRODUCT HAS A STORY. KNOW the story BEFORE you ingest it!
I have had clients ask me about certain products. I do my homework. But just because I endorse a product today does not mean I will tomorrow. You must police what and where your food comes from. Growing your own is best if you can, so you can focus on your soil. Just because a product was grown without chemicals does not mean it was grown in balance soil. Depleted soil = depleted product= depleted body=imbalance.
The human body is extremely TOXIC in todays world. Illness is as a result of toxins. (OR toxemia)
Toxins can be Chemicals various additives, heavy metals, virus, bacteria, mold or fungus (candida is very common in US and can take up to 6 months to chelate) or a combination of them. (Today most of us have all the above in one level or another)
Ok, so here is how the body responds to toxins.
Increase toxins: Body processes them via the liver (Step 1) We are being exposed to medications and chemicals that are NOT naturally bio available to humans. The liver as NOT designed to handle these substances. Almost ALL medication are TOXIC by their very nature This is why they impact the liver so severely.
Step 2 The liver is easily overwhelmed because its dealing with the American diet and what has now become understood as fatty liver disease. The causation of further symptoms classified as diabetes which then become heart disease as the body continues to break down under the onslaught. The liver cant keep up, the thyroid at this point
should regulate the toxins by stimulating the edrenals subsequently the kidneys join the effort in filtering out toxins through the
urine. This system is more easily overwhelmed with the powerful toxins we are being exposed too so the Thyroid directs the toxins out through the skin. Step (3)
Now let me clarify a few points here.
The System I just mentioned is how the body compensates for contaminants coming into the body. Should not our first defense be to use your brains and identify WHAT the toxins are and avoid them?! (For those scratching their heads the answer is yes) Emphatically yes!
‘Johnny! Yelled his mother. ‘Get that out of your mouth you dont know where its been!’ (Johnny had just picked up a lollipop he had found on the sidewalk). Today, as long as they
sell it we will eat it never knowing ‘where our food has been’ or ‘comes from’ or what it truly ‘is.’
So, lets take a look at the inner environment of our bodies. Because my dear perma-culture minded peeps they or very much the same. Very much about diversity and symbiotic relationships, about balance.
When toxins increase in the human body. The body naturally tries to remove them. (Detox them) to maintain what? Thats right balance.
When toxins increase the body tissues become more acidic. The bodies pH literally will drop and with it the cells voltage will drop. And like an alkaline batter you will begin to feel lethargic, no
energy. This is amplified with dehydration, drinking pasteurized homogenized dairy (creates acids at 50:1 ratio), sugar, sodas (poison), meat, fried foods, packaged processed foods, MEDICATIONS! (Care to guess how much acid is created by chemo or radiation?).
Along its toxins this increased acid is in itself toxic to the body.
Each cell gives off its own waste... stop thinking of cells like they are a simply a clear bubble with a dot in the middle. The human celll is so complex it has been said there is more going on in single human cell than an entire human
city. So, increase your perspective. A city functions, it gives off waste This waste is take out of the cell and dropped into the space between cells referred to as the ‘intercostal space’ This is connected to the lymphatic system which is a series of vasclature which connects all your glands and lypmnodes. There is no pump however as with the circulatory system. This system of
irrigation only works via movement.
Which brings me to another statement. Living things move. Healthy things move. MORE!
So first step is protect yourself part. Identify the sources of toxins and make a definite plan to avoid them.
For those of us who have spent years building up toxins into your tissues and consuming toxic medications to cover the systmptoms. Well, passive then later more active detox regiments can help chelate them from the body.
Bentonite clay is in my mind something we ought to be doing on a regular basis. We simply can not avoid toxins all together.
After the defend yourself part there is the NOURISH yourself part.
Think of it this way... perfect health is found in perfect balance. Then every nutrient, vitamin, mineral etc would also be present at optimal levels. Are they?
You cant cheat here. The best source for these is our food. You can not substitute a synthetic product and think it will function the same as the body extracting it from Whole Foods.
The entire perspective is not had to understand. Its both simple and complex because the body is so complex.
Expression that make you not think do not help. Think of the body as it truly is; a marvelous biological machine designed with wisdom far beyond our own. Its designed for balance and will naturall seek it if we give it half a chance. To think it simply evolved randomly defeats us before we even begin. This is NOT happenstance friends You dont catch diabetes (Or crones) from planting daisies in the dirt.
It is cause and effect. Change the causation.... the effects (or symptoms) will leave in the order they came.
Someone here mentioned stress... they are correct. Stress evokes acid and can turn a system acidic in as little as 2 minutes. This is why natural disasters and War for instance cause so much misery and we see sickness take their toll. Acid weakens the immune system. Weakened immune system can not fight things of well. We were designed to live peacefully. That is part of balance.... our environment.
Ok, well... enough for now. Will be happy to dial things down even more.
It has been my
experience though, it is not that we can not arrive at the truth of any matter. Its getting people to even want it that is the paradigm of greater complexity we face today. Apathy... and then we begin to see behavior and then we see the lack of values... it all stems from the decline in good values.