"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
paul wheaton wrote:
Here is a lame drawing of something in my head.
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Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
Pignut wrote:
Hierarchy is a human tendency but I don't think it is hardwired in our brains
Idle dreamer
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
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For example, you have mentioned seeing 'permaculture gardens' filled with rows of sprinklers and hoses that you did not care for. I would prefer to take a course with someone who teaches methods that are permanent and sustainable - hoses and sprinklers are not.
A good dictatorship is the best and most efficient government... a bad dictatorship the worst.
How are you counting the no votes?
Are you envisioning more towards each Wofati more self-sufficient (crop / animal / improvements ) or more personal strengths working toward community, for example?
Is there room for a full time herdsman?
Are the individual members in charge of their own personal system within the community growing their own fruit/vegetables, raising their own livestock, maintaining their own maintenance, while following general goals of the community as set forth by aforementioned "dictator".
I lived in a situation like Pauls design [...] The owner or dictator would also learn to be pleasant and fair as otherwise good people would leave
Paul, I know you've already got your survey results, but I'm seriously interested in whatever comes out from this, so I'm going to participate.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
montanabound123 wrote:
Are the individual members in charge of their own personal system within the community growing their own fruit/vegetables, raising their own livestock, maintaining their own maintenance, while following general goals of the community as set forth by aforementioned "dictator".
Have you seen my project portfolio: https://goo.gl/EPX3Xo ?
Visit our website: www.regenstewardship.com
paul wheaton wrote:
I think this is part of the mission. I've put 70+ podcasts out, written a gob of articles, shared thousands of comments in the forums. I think I've put a lot out there so folks can figure out if they wanna sign up for the "peasant package" in my fiefdom.
Would the community consist of one large communal labor system or would it be comprised of individual "farms" within the greater farm. So everybody would do their own small designs within their personal zone one and two then the zone three might be a Wheaton directed? Or would all the zones for each individual domicile be constructed as according with the Director's plans? Basically is it one big farm with a bunch of individuals living and working in the fields together or is it a cooperative with personal operations that contribute to the income of the community................or a bit of both?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
It's hard to convey who you actually are, and whether I would want to live with you or not through a podcast or article.
Also, how would you handle letting people go?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Or whether I would want you around.
Or whether I want to even bother learning anything about you.
paul wheaton wrote:
That is an excellent question. And, again, it depends on a lot of things. Is it a matter of there isn't enough room as winter sets in so a few have to be let go? Or, is it a matter of somebody's stuff doesn't fit with my stuff. Are they nasty? If they are nasty: are they a resident or a wwoofer? Are they in the same building as me, sharing the same table as me? Or are they on the other side of the property in a different shelter?
Again: I have a collection of ideas in this space, but it is all going to depend on a thousand factors.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
jdwheeler42 wrote:
Paul, I came to this thread from podcast 86, which, ignoring technical values, was the best podcast I've heard to date.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Are you sure you have the number right? 086? The one where I am ranting by myself in the car? Best?
You can't fight the waves but you can learn to surf.
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I wished I could find local people to buy food from, so I created a website for just that. Always looking for others to help improve it. LocalFirst.Live
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