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As you keep the earth healthy, so the earth will keep you.
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With the correct microbes, minerals, humates in the soil, water will be sequestered and released as needed, greening the dessert. Weeds won’t grow because you are providing the correct mineral/microbe base for the target crop, eliminated need for herbicides. Healthy resulting plants don’t need pesticide as insects will not attack them.
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
AngelinaGianna Maffeo wrote:Baking soda is cheap and quick and you don't need protective eye gear. You could also get a pair of geese. They keep it trimmed and fertilize it as they go.
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. - Thomas Sowell
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. - Albert Einstein
Tomorrow's another day...
Kristine Keeney wrote:Since I'm here and have geese, I'll guess at the answer to your question (not that I have tested my soil pre and post goose "processing" ).
Since birds all poop the same basic way, and geese graze and poop a lot - think feathered sheep or small feathered cows - large quantities of mostly processed vegetative matter with uric acid mixed in.
I'm betting she was referencing the uric acid as being the "lime" component in the goose equation.
And she's right. Goose poop is better than chicken poop because it's not as concentrated. There's a lot of it and geese will spread it as they go. It washes away in rain and, unless you have your geese confined and don't clean up after them, it's not that noxious. A good watering of some sort will wash it into the soil.
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