I think this is nothing more than me pushing myself too hard without some proper time off.
The room started to spin this afternoon. Jocelyn made me unplug from everything for a few hours and lie down. About 50 emails came in during that time. I'm gonna do a couple of light days, so some emails might not get a response for a while.
I've done the 'never make time for yourself' thing. It's a killer. It gets you in the end. Plenty of sleep and enough time to chill out and relax are vital, so go rest a while, and schedule some time off every week as a priority above anything else.
It may be a blessing in disguise. Unplug, destress for a while. I find myself too connected to the world and its problems so there are days where I remedy and sit back just to hear the wind howl in the trees and the blades of grass brush against each other. In the night gazing at the stars it helps to put into perspective how small my problems are in contrast to the vastness of space. Meditation in sleep.
Those who hammer their swords into plows will plow for those who don't!
Amedean Messan
Posts: 928
Location: Melbourne FL, USA - Pine and Palmetto Flatland, Sandy and Acidic
Paul : This is a golden opportunity for you ! You know what you want and what you need ! Just a medicinal dose mind you, no over indulgence, I leave it totally up to
you what the correct amount might be ! Chill-lax !
My second piece of advice -For the good of the Entire Permies Community :::--> find a bunch of puppies to play with ! Big AL
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
I am trying to limit myself to working only 4 hours a day for awhile. So far I think I've cut it down to 6 hours a day. I went to get my blood tested today and ended up getting kinda angry at all of the questions they asked us to test my blood. Why do they need to know my marital status in order to test my blood?
my email is backing up a little too much. I'll see what I can do, but I wanted to apologise to the people waiting for an email response from me.
Electronics on WiFi can cause swelling of the inner ear. Microwaves are responsible. This can lead to vertigo. Balance is affected and the room can spin. I stopped holding a cell phone to my ear about 12 years ago, due to headache and ear inflammation. Several tests revealed that this was the cause of my trouble.
Four years ago, I started using a laptop on WiFi. I noticed tingling in my ears and got a few headaches. Going offline for a couple days always solved the problem. I noticed that if I used the computer in places with strong WiFi, there was no problem. At weak locations, five minutes could cause trouble. When I first got my camera, I uploaded many photos from a poor WiFi location and I experienced the ear thing and nausea. It turns out that the computer works much harder when uploading photos. My friend Bob has a meter for measuring microwave strength. We went to a poor WiFi location and uploaded a photo. His machine showed that the old laptop was working very hard and putting out much more wave strength than happened at a good spot.
I'm no electronics expert, but I am an expert on how they affect my health. I try to plug in and turn the WiFi off when possible and I avoid weak locations. Whether using a laptop or phone to upload photos, I always walk away from the device until it has finished.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning. - Ken Hudgins / tiny ad
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)