Gus M. : O. K., the easy one the ( 1/2c ) was a typo. it should have been (1/2). I missed that one! Then due to laziness I didn't share that any time I google
any physical object, I type in the objects name in the search engine, followed by the word
images or
picturesI review the picture and then there
is a link to that pictures site to visit for more information. It is like a whole 'nother Search Engine! Running Bond should be clear now !
It seems the picture with that strange barrel has caused several different mental images to form, My ultimate question is after you have built your brick
Heat Riser and insulated it, how much room will you have between the outside of the Heat Riser and the barrel that you plan on using! Again I can not tell
if the barrel we see siting there is going to be used to make-up the outside form of the clay/perlite insulating part of the Heat Riser, or is your final outside
Barrel, and I do not know if you have
enough area between your as built Heat Riser and your final barrel for good flow of the hot exhaust gases !
''Max'' is telling us the picture confused him too, the evidence of ashes and the presence of a barrel
led him to think you were farther along in your build,
the rule is when the barrel goes on (and is sealed at the base) The Vertical chimney must go up! This is a 2nd quick test, the 1st one being the firing of the
dry stacked bricks that proves that your rocket will work! Your test showed that you want a larger squarish Burn Tunnel. The 2nd test isolates the Burner
base from the Thermal Mass and proves that section of the build is functioning, there after, if you run into problems in the last part of your build, you know
that that is where you need to look for problems ! I hope we are all now on the same sheet !
I like doing multiple dry fittings of your entire Feed Tube, Burn Tunnel, and the entire Heat Riser using your cell phone for making a record of each
of brick, this is very handy when you find that your 4th attempt does not look like your memory of the 3rd attempt! A few more pictures for the builders
album -that shows off your 1st build to share with other future Rocketeers is something you only get one shot at, don't miss your chance !
O.K., we've got this far and everyone is 'playing nice' lets hope the weather stays good where you are, and your build goes smooth, I too worry about the
type of red brick and its location in the build, but it will be easy to replace when a future failure happens !
The brick box of stacked bricks on the other side should be a final shell around your thermal mass, not something done at the same time the Thermal mass
is done, it can be done at the same time but unless you have made Masons skills it will show that they were done together. Later you only have to worry
about a good bond between the Thermal mass and the brick, and can work on a good looking job, plumb and level !
For the good of the craft Big AL !