Thanks. A good description of what's growing here. My site doesn't drain, so I can see hawthorn and maple popping up. Oak from the woods next door is blowing in. Those were planted but seem very present on the floor of the woods, trying to create an understory.
We don't have any real farmer's markets like you find in the US, but from what I see, it's just normal stuff like potatoes, corn, leaf veggies, etc. I mean, these things do grow in our soil with
enough tillage, dolomite and manure (which is the general widespread growing strategy). My point is what would be growing here if people weren't trying to grow what they want, what does the soil produce just based on it being
that type of soil. The general tendency here is wheat or corn. Some do a second crop of soy beans, but that's about it. They say that it's the soil...all you can grow here is wheat and corn they say.
The problems is that what grows well might not exactly be what would be growing here. I don't see a lot of alders around, people tend to go for
black locust here. I imagine black locust would give way to alder or chestnut in a succession here, but it's difficult to actually see that.