This booklet covers all the things we normally teach in our fire science theater presentations, BEFORE starting to build a rocket mass heater, earthen oven, or fireplace.
This 40-page booklet is intended as a general introduction for anyone who wants to learn about fire. It will be entertaining for those who've heated with wood for years, and especially useful for those who are just starting. Offers many insights for campfire cooking, fire safety, and other survival skills.
Great casual reading for your next outdoor adventure. Picture your copy on the mantlepiece in a rental ski cabin, with a bookmark noting the proper position of your particular damper.
There are hand-drawn and photographic illustrations on almost every page. The book is organized in sections:
- Preparations (safe hearths, extinguishers, dry fuel, and so on);
- Laying the fire itself (step-by-step pictures of layout and burning sequence for 5 different fire layouts for different purposes);
- Forms: a brief tour of historic and modern devices for enhancing a fire's usefulness, including cookstoves, fireplaces, heaters, ovens, and sneaky stealth firepits.
- Spirit and Practice, the final section, discusses fire's place in human history, including practical reasons behind our strong responses to this ancient art.
We assume you can light a match (even if you peek at the instructions on the matchbox). We try not to assume anything else about your past experience with fire.
If you are a fan of our rocket mass heater work, note that this booklet does not address anything about rocket mass heaters specifically. It's based on our Friday Fire Science Theater presentations: general information that we share with almost all our workshop participants, to give them the background to burn a clean fire successfully in any situation. Once you have this basic knowledge, it's much easier to operate specific wood burning stoves or other devices, like a wood-fired oven or rocket mass heater.
"This 40-page booklet is intended as a general introduction for anyone who wants to learn about fire. It will be entertaining for those who've heated with wood for years, and especially useful for those who are just starting. Offers many insights for campfire cooking, fire safety, and other survival skills.
Great casual reading for your next outdoor adventure. Picture your copy on the mantlepiece in a rental ski cabin, with a bookmark noting the proper position of your particular damper.
There are hand-drawn and photographic illustrations on almost every page. The book is organized in sections:
- Preparations (safe hearths, extinguishers, dry fuel, and so on);
- Laying the fire itself (step-by-step pictures of layout and burning sequence for 5 different fire layouts for different purposes);
- Forms: a brief tour of historic and modern devices for enhancing a fire's usefulness, including cookstoves, fireplaces, heaters, ovens, and sneaky stealth firepits.
- Spirit and Practice, the final section, discusses fire's place in human history, including practical reasons behind our strong responses to this ancient art.
We assume you can light a match (even if you have to read the instructions on the box first). We try not to assume anything else about your past experience with fire.
If you are a fan of our Rocket Mass Heater work, note that this booklet does not address anything about rocket mass heaters specifically. It's based on our Friday Fire Science Theater presentations: general information that we share with almost all our workshop participants, to give them the background to burn a clean fire successfully in any situation. Once you have this basic knowledge, it's much easier to operate specific wood burning stoves or other devices, like a wood-fired oven or rocket mass heater."
I just want to give a shout out to the Wisners. I was lucky enough to be able to attend a weekend RMH workshop with the two of them up here in Maine. The whole experience was amazing! Their knowledge level is significant and at the risk of being annoying I spent as much time as I could I the same room. They both were continually sharing and as they would say "ranting" a wealth of information throughout the weekend. How GREAT!
Basically I just wanted to say; haha I got to meet and work with them! So awesome!
Hi Ernie, Glad to see your Rumford has a straight back! Also, your cob oven has a chimney. Do you have a video for sale about RMH/water heater?
Thanks, Danene
Ernie and I have both done a little bit of prototyping for rocket water heaters, but have not put together a full plan set yet. Some of Ernie's experiments used to be on
You can see one of my prototypes on this blog post - what Paul calls the "Water Bug," and I called the Caddisfly Nymph or just Nymph. It's an ugly, but clean-burning, semi-submersible heater that might work for a hot-tub or water-jacket.
hi, is the The Art of Fire by Ernie and Erica Wisner, available as a booklet or book? If so, that would be great, as I don't like printing out a lot of pages. it gets bulkier than just buying a booklet or book.
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