I would love to introduce wild dandelions in my garden for medicinal/nutirtional purposes in southeast Florida. The wild dandeliion varieties that I am familiar with in Michigan, Ohio and California do not seem to grow here naturally. My plan is to grow the plants in pots and consume the leaves and most of the blossoms, so I will be growing them in a somewhat controlled manner. I would appreciate seeds if anyone has some to can spare.
I don't think you are in the right forum for posting this, someone might hange it for you, but anyway WHY in pots?
I was so surprised how they florish here, 28ยบ latitude, they even flower all summer long. And they self-seed happily.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
I'd go cultivated over time dandelion seed over truly wild for palatability
I currently sell them to my chef he loves them but they were raised over years in italy i believe