Dirk Esterline : It is easy to refer to fire brick as insulative, This is a partial characteristic of fire brick as we commonly use it. We can get in trouble if we trust that this
Partial characteristic will always do what we want !
It is the presence of many other heating devices that allow us easy and relatively cheap access to good fire brick, generally they come in two kinds, a light Firebrick and
a heavy and much denser Fire brick
The lighter and fairly easy to cut Fire Brick has three major characteristics, The slow rate of diffusion of heat
energy Through itself, or rate of
Thermal conduction, and
a modest
Specific heat, or how much heat that the material will hold ! Mass is the usually dominate factor here, so light weight means not a lot of total heat energy
storage !
The third characteristic, is fire bricks ability of Reflect or bounce-back heat from its surface back into the heart of the Fire ! This is also called its
Refractive-ness, This
heat is not radiated through the brick to heat its far side. The true amount of insulating effect then is in that amount of energy that is Refracted and not ether stored or
radiated through its mass !
Dense fire brick was created initially for use in kilns, where its ability to store Large amounts of heat energy Its
specific heat, and radiate that heat slowly (its
-conductivity ) is prized in locations where it is important to protect those objects heated within the kiln from the hot/cold stresses of too rapid cooling !
Again there is a noticeably higher Rate of Heat Energy Re-radiation or Refractory~ness. That has the final effect of being insulating when comparing the flame impinged
Surface temperature to the Surface temperature of the Firebricks far side !
It is this re-radiation of heat energy back into the fire (plasma would be a more accurate term) that gives us the freaky high Temperatures that produce near total
combustion and a clean burn !
An overwrap of a Ceramic refectory material* that helps separate and concentrate the Temperature differences between the Hot burning pyrolyzed wood gases inside
the Heat Riser, and the cooling denser/heavier Exhaust Gases Vertically failing down the inside of the barrel to the Transitional Area Is what creates the Push me, pull
you magic ( Delta T ) that allows the Hot exhaust gases to flow 50+ ft through the thermal mass!
I am in awe of David Searles heat riser#, and want to build one like it some day! Even with this craftsmanship, on extremely long burns the temperature of the two gas
streams can potentially Equalize and cause the System to stall !
* a 1'' layer of a high grade of Ceramic refractory batting or blanket like material will help ether the 'Soft' or 'Hard' brick to come up to its operating temperatures
slightly faster, also possible is to construct a Heat Riser of between 2.5'' an 4'' thick, from a mix of clay slip and ether Perlite, or Zonolite, an expanded mica product!
# The Searles
Rocket Mass Heater RMH, appears to be a sub 5'' system, increasing the height of the Heat Riser will improve overall performance, but it is already close
to its maximum performance. ether building a bigger Rocket system or converting his J-bend to a Batch Loaded horizontal burn type
RMH are certainly the next steps !
I hope this was both clear, and useful, and timely ! For the Good of the Craft ! Big AL