Cliff notes: will
drip irrigation inhibit
root development of newly transplanted
So I finally broke down and took the leap. After being interested in
permaculture finally decided to put my money where my mouth is and put some trees in. Currently have 2 sunflower pawpaws, 2 cherries (gold and red sweets), 3 apples, 3 pears, 2 plums and 3 honeyberry shrubs all in a 79 ft wide x 71 ft deep section of property. All trees are semi dwarf apart from the pears and plums which are dwarves. Outside this area I have an almond and peach tree (impulse buys). Eventual plans are to build guilds around each tree and bring in autumn olive and bush hazelnuts in spring then turn attention to cover crops (the grass has got to go lol). Possibly considering eventually mulching the entire area in
wood chips but I'm weighing it against planting the entire area in wild flowers and legumes.
My basic question concerns irrigation. The area sits in the back of my lot due to narrow but deep property and keeping the trees out of the leach field of the septic system which I'll use for raised beds. It sits approximately 150-180 feet back from my water connection. Not feeling like running a hose back every time I need to water the trees I'm planning to run drip irrigation until the trees become established
enough to fend for themselves. Of course the irrigation will be solely to supplement dry periods in the summer (zone 6b). My question being, will drip irrigation impair root development by keeping the
roots from growing outside the irrigated zone? All that I've read concerning soil amendments on new transplants advises against for the same reason, so my thought process says water could prove the same. Thoughts?