Hello Virginia. Greetings from the desert. So, you are interest in teaching as well. Great. That is good news. It may be a year or more out, but really feel the Permaculture movement is taking hold. Just look at organic food in the grocery store. That has only caught on in the last few years, but it will not go away. Of course Permaculture is so much more that organic food. If fully realized, it can change the world for the good. Now, I am a realist and understand, change is slow and one person at a time. What I also know is, those that think alike and team up can do more than a stand alone in the dark. So, that said, I would like to explore your thoughts and inputs on teaching. At the moment, I have not taken a course in Permaculture yet. I have been studying on my own. That said, I also am of the belief that it is best to do then teach, than to take a
class and teach others what you learned out of a book. So, what my plans are is to do on my 7.4 acres and then teach the hands on portion on the property. For example, I have some large
hugelkultur mounds due to lots of tree removal during the grading of my property. Of course, 90% of the time, I work alone, so it is slow work. I am building a house and left if unfinished to deploy. It is a strawbale house with a rubble trench foundation and will use natural walls and floors with minimum
concrete. Later structures will be a "shed" or
root cellar mostly
underground. Lots of plans for swales,
pond, raised beds, aquaponics, food forests/ guilds, rain barrels,
rocket mass heaters, permable driveway, companion crops, and more. So, lots of plans. My goal and this is where I really would like team work, is to work with others with the same thoughts so that we can help each other and not compete, but promote each other. There are millions of people in the Atlanta metro area. Reaching between 10 to 20 one weekend a month, once I retire, is the goal. Once the classes get above 20, you really need an assistant or help to be effective with a hands on class. I hope to have some big names visit to give classes, but will need numbers to get in front of them. I don't believe big names will sit in front of 20 people. I am also looking at making the property a trust and creating a non-profit, hoping the school lasts beyond my years. LOL, lots of goals. So, drop me a line, what are your thoughts goals ideas. Really sharing this for the first time outside of family. There are a few groups teaching permaculture in Atlanta. There are a few demo gardens. My thought are more organized where
local Elementary schools show up with a bus load for half a day. Where busy seniors that are retired, learn to grow there own food/ medicine. The more I learn, food is medicine. The baby boomers are aging, America is ageing. Shoot, I am no spring
chicken, 48 with 30 years in military reserves. I have 4 kids, one still in middle school, the rest graduated. I have a step-son as well. So, busy guy, yepper. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Regards. R. oh, btw, you may have noticed that the name on my account is not Richard. Richard is my middle name, but I have also learned not to use my real name on the internet due to my military job and the fact I have had my identity stolen twice. Not a fun problem to have.