Winter births suck. I had a few escapee does who got pregnant for the first time. One of them went into labor yesterday afternoon. Her vagina is swollen beyond what I had ever seen before. This is my seventh birth. I did some searching
online and found nothing that would really help me. She's been sitting inside a doghouse in the pen for the past 12 hours, barely moving. I spent a few hours watching her, because I want to be ready when she finally kids out. Every time I talk in the pen, she moves slightly to expose herself to me. I think she's trying to tell me that she needs help, I just don't know what to do. Please help.
Edit: On the morning of the 5th, I noticed her acting weird. By that evening, her backside was swollen and a string of goop came out of her. It's been more than 30 hours and she she hasn't changed. She'll adjust herself and occasionally stand up, but I haven't seen her since yesterday morning. Her vagina is still as swollen as ever.
My girls are penned in a small room in the barn. The pen has drafts and broken windows and there's nothing that I can do about that. The wind chill is -35 here. I think the goat is in survival mode and won't kid out until it's warmer and safe, so I'm considering bringing her into the house to until she kids out. My housemates think I worry too much and are against bringing the goat to the basement. How long can the kids stay inside the womb safely? If the kids die before, during or after birth...that would suck, but losing the nameless, young, whitish goat would be a tragedy.