@Jami : I had been speaking with some people about going in on something so perhaps I should continue. I just wanted to find something for myself as well because, unfortunately reliable people are a dime a dozen nowadays. As far as lending/credit goes...there-in lies the problem. After seeing what banks do to people, and how badly credit screws people in this country (not a fan of the credit, and with
our wonderful economy, I have learned to only be more self sufficient) I have chosen to just pay it
for it up front if possible (if im short by a grand or two...eh Ill bite the bullet and take the loan perhaps
) By the end of the summer however, with my off the book income, I should have even more to play with. I've just been going crazy as how to start doing it lol. I search online, but every property I show any interest in results it "it's already under contract". Reading your comment made me
alot more optimistic
@Gary: Im not really tied anywhere so to speak, Parents are split now and doing their own thing likewise
with friends, so Im up for anything.