Around here eggs are pretty tough to distinguish yourself it seems. So many farmers have them at the market, that a dozen is like 3 something dollars. The only things that distinguish different eggs is that people that
sell them, and how they feed and treat the animals. I don't sell my eggs because I have a small flock and to me a dozen eggs out the door is not really worth 4 dollars coming in.
I had an idea that is kind of a joke and could really work in some markets. Basically you have a 'hen of the month' or week or day and you hang their picture with a small profile up in your booth, stating that if you buy a dozen eggs you will get to taste what this premier hen has to offer. That way when people come by they can read it and laugh about how they are reading a
chickens stats. I always thought that this kind of thing would reinforce to the customer that you love what you are doing, and the
chickens are happy in what they are doing. While they eat the eggs they will be reminded of such a ludicrous chicken profile and probably come back for more eggs, and to see who the next hen of the week is.