Kim Woodson wrote: It takes a while to heat up the concrete walls which have earth back filled agaiist them. I really don't need the drafty air being pulled through the room. My question is can I pull air down from the annular space between the 12 inch hole in ceiling and the 6 inch exhaust pipe ?
I am in the process of building a hobbit home, which is basicly a buried basement covered with a foot or two of dirt. I am being told I have too have a heat recovery ventilator.
One of the main, and most important things in building one of these buildings is too insulate between the concrete and the dirt outside. The back fill acts as a heat sink, constantly and forever pullling the heat out of the concrete. So you insulate to hold the heat in the concrete mass.
In your situation, I would put in a
rocket stove with an air intake to the outside - for one, everytime I opened a door in my
workshop, my
rocket stove would backdraft - - you would not have this problem, or it would be reduced.
You do not want too cool the exhaust when it goes thru the roof, since with my rocket stove, the exhaust gas starts out at the top of the barrel at roughly 1,000 degrees. By the time it reaches the bottom of the barrel, it is roughly 400 to 500 F. Running thru a 10 foot 3 x 3 foot mass - 2 directions - by the time it reaches the hole in the wall, my exhaust gas was barely 180 F. Some problems with steam condensing in the pipes, as well as loss of stove draw (backdrafting - smoke in the house - not nice ). In a properly designed
rocket mass heater, there is no more heat to extract from the gasses going outside, as you have heated up the mass with it.
My vote - seperate air intake vent from outside directly into top of J tube.