Jaqueline have you heard of the Flow Hive? just wondering what you thought of it. Less invasive to the hive. Less stress to the bees. Are there any special techniques you use when collecting the honey? I am new to bee keeping and was hoping to start in the near future. this season I will start with the some of their favourite flowers in the garden!
I feel this is sad . Lots of folks who think all they have to do is turn on a tap to get honey are going to be very disappointed . Loads of bees are going to be stressed like mad and beekeeping as a whole I fear will get a bad name.
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
If you ever use one of these in an area with oilseed rape it will get jammed solid and be impossible to extract. At least with traditional frames if you get one that sets it is fairly straight forward to cut the wax out and clean the frame for reuse. How would you clean granulated honey out of one of these?
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Seven Welsh wrote:Jaqueline have you heard of the Flow Hive? just wondering what you thought of it. Less invasive to the hive. Less stress to the bees. Are there any special techniques you use when collecting the honey? I am new to bee keeping and was hoping to start in the near future. this season I will start with the some of their favourite flowers in the garden!
Yours is the question we are all interested in these days.......what a controversial concept!
Welcome to permies and hope you will enjoy the extensive honey bee forum as well as others.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Well, if you can find the type of plastic the hive is made of of, if the entire things turns out into a disaster, one could turn the plastic beehives into car fuel. I think it is a good thing that at least the flow hive will have sparked some people's interest into beekeeping.