Thanks heaps for your input i have seen this stove at the PRI when i did my
PDC, I am impressed!
The reason i thought of the car radiator was that it would be in a
hot water drum over the rocket stove not in a oven as my previous communication may have suggested.
I imagined there to be a big pot like the old style copper washing pot my parents used and into that pot put 1 or 2 radiators into the bouiling water as a heat exchanger.
The reason for this type of heater exchanger was the volume of water that could go through it as opposed to 13mm coper pipe and this could be used with the current pool pump which runs a 38mm pipe.
i understand the pressure water system at the PRI but was after more water flow and cant see how i can get additional pressure in this appliacation.
Thanks again for your past and future input
regards john