Hi guys. I'm Canadian, in New-Brunswick, and just joined up here. I've only recently discovered this
permaculture thing and I'm thinking its pretty much what I want to do with my next home. I'm flipping the house I'm in now, putting it on the market and as soon as it sells, I'm buying my grandparents house and 5 acres out in the boonies. I'm very excited, this means no more
mortgage, the ability to grow/raise a lot of our food and just a better environment for my family of four.
I started out looking for something
sustainable should the SHTF, and
permaculture looks like the most viable option I can find. I wouldn't call myself a prepper, but I can see that this can't go on much longer and want to be as self reliant (not self sufficient, still need comunity)as possible, to ensure my kids are well taken care of.
Hopefully we can get this house sold quickly and be in the other house by next winter. I will likely get the garden started there in the spring and get some fruit
trees started too. I will probably have lots of questions for you guys and gals and will try to take pics of the progress over the years, if you are into that kinda thing