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Zach Muller wrote:
Another option is just leave then be and let the chickens hatch babies with the eggs.
Hester Winterbourne wrote:Going back to the suggestion about feeding the eggs back to the birds that laid them, I just had the feeling you should cook them first, to lessen the risk of disease and bad habits.
Mike Holmes wrote:Lol ya, I wouldn't say any of that either. It seems you have me confused with someone that would be handing out slaughterhouse photos at the farmers market or something.. Lol.. Not my mission, let me know what it was that I said that gave you that impression.. Though there is no doubt that animal ag and the chems are problems on a large scale, I hope people will be able to see there are other ways on their own.. Some people are attracted to the idea because a lot of people think animals and fertilizers are absolutely essential to any farm and some like to hear that they could do some of the techniques in their own backyard right now..
Meryt Helmer wrote:oh dear no! I was not thinking that at all! I was just thinking of what I remembered from my hard core vegan days and I was never like that at all. I just have serious ptsd from stuff related to animals (and plenty of other stuff) in my childhood and basically had to be vegan for a long time. now I go back and fourth and my own garden is not vegan as far as manure goes. I have always liked what farm sanctuary does though and I was thinking that people who are very hard core vegan would want to buy what you are selling.
Mike Holmes wrote:Lol ya, I wouldn't say any of that either. It seems you have me confused with someone that would be handing out slaughterhouse photos at the farmers market or something.. Lol.. Not my mission, let me know what it was that I said that gave you that impression.. Though there is no doubt that animal ag and the chems are problems on a large scale, I hope people will be able to see there are other ways on their own.. Some people are attracted to the idea because a lot of people think animals and fertilizers are absolutely essential to any farm and some like to hear that they could do some of the techniques in their own backyard right now..
Mike Holmes wrote:Noted.. I will not be preaching or teaching anyone anything they don't want to learn but if someone were to ask I won't hide my ethical methods out of fear of lost customers. And I won't be sacrificing any decency at all. I will be supporting what I believe to be ethical and not participating in things that are not. If you were to ask me about ethics and then say you will not be doing anymore business with my farm because of those ethics, I'd be confused as to why you would be anti-ethical, then we would probably part ways.. I don't understand that..
Wild Earth Farm and Sanctuary
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Mike Holmes wrote:Thanks for the quick reply! Actually we're all vegans at the farm and we'll only be selling veganic products and using veganic fertilizers etc. If I decide to take in some chickens or turkeys, what could I do with thier eggs that would be practical and ethical?..
So far I've heard of some people feeding the eggs back to the birds so that they can get some of the lost calcium and other goodies back into their bodies. But I would like to explore some more options if they are available.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Christopher Weeks wrote:Since you can't use them in any way on the farm and remain veganic, I'm not really sure what you were looking for. The vegans I know who are involved in rescue typically have some kind of hormone shots given to the hens that cause them to stop producing eggs entirely. According to those people, it also helps the hens live long and happy lives because laying all those eggs is hard on their body. (I only know this second-hand, so can't really provide any more details than that.)
Trace Oswald wrote:I am very much against the idea of giving them shots of a hormone that stops the natural process of laying eggs.
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