Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition) - Southern Colorado - Zone 5 (-19*f) - 5300ft elevation - 12in rainfall plus irrigation rights
Dairy cows, "hair" sheep, Kune Kune pigs, chickens, guineas and turkeys
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Derek Brewer wrote:So, how would you handle carpenter bees in, say, your deck? In an ethical manner, as opposed to beemageddon?
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Paul Andrews wrote:We might have had our eyes opened by some experience in the past that has led us on an endless search to make the world a better place but the majority of people have not experienced that epiphany moment yet so they go through life thinking everything in the world is OK. They haven't made the connection between bees and the rest of the planet.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
...Peace is Joy at rest. Joy is Peace in action...
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, when?
Paul Andrews wrote:
when I see people bagging up leaves from the lawn, putting them out with the trash and then driving to the store to buy compost I want to slap them across the face.
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